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- Ok, this is just a rough doc about the onlineport of HDOff. Sorry for
- this. To use this, you should be used to MsgPorts and their handling!
- The port`s name is : HDOFF_PORT
- The port`s structure is:
- WORD HD_TimeHD0 ;Time in secs (startvalue)
- WORD HD_TimeLeftHD0 ;Time in secs (actual)
- WORD HD_TimeLeftHD1
- UBYTE HD_StatHD0 ;$ff: Drive off
- ULONG HD_PortVer ;Version of the port
- The actual portversion is: $100 (standing for 1.00)
- Here are the commands:
- hd_GetStats equ $00
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- This gives you back the filled structure.
- hd_SetStats equ $01
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- You can set HD_TimeHD0 and HD_TimeHD1 to new values, and you will get an
- answer like hd_GetStats.
- hd_Subscribe equ $02
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you subscribe, you will get a message everytime a drive has been
- switched on/off. Check the answer! If HD_Cmd=0 your subscribing was
- unsuccessfull.
- If a drive changed its status, you`ll get a messy with HD_Cmd=hd_Subscribe
- filled with the new data`s. You must not change/reply or do something else
- with this messy (except reading it out, of course ;) !
- hd_Unsubscribe equ $03
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You won`t get a messys on a drive power down/up any more. If HD_Cmd=0 you
- weren`t subscribed :)
- hd_StopDrive equ $04
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Here you can switch a drive off by setting HD_StatHDx=$ff.
- hd_Quit equ $05
- ~~~~~~~
- This tries to terminate HDOff. If the reply has HD_Cmd=hd_Die quitting was
- successfull, if not not :)
- hd_ForceQuit equ $06
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The same as hd_Quit, but using the force option (can`t fail), and you won`t
- get a reply. NOTE: read the warning about the FORCE-option in the doc!
- hd_Die equ $FF
- ~~~~~~
- NOTE: you can _only_ recive this! If you get this Message, HDOff has been
- terminated and you must stop using the port any longer!
- Ok, I hope every clarity has been removed ;-)
- BTW, does anybody want to code a nice GUI for HDOff? Like a commodity or
- something. If you do, please contact me!!